I’ve spent my first leg of the trip in Krakow. So far it’s been great. I wasn’t too sure what to expect from it but exceeded all expectations. It’s an incredibly beautiful city with friendly people all around.

I arrived at the hotel and shared a cab with a lovely couple from the states. The airport reminded me of when I was in Da Nang, Vietnam. It wasn’t super modern but it did the job and I didn’t go through customs but I think it was because I went through Frankfurt first. The Frankfurt is huge and it’s cute how staff cycle around the airport to get to their destination quicker.

On my first day, I arrived earlier than my friends so I had lots of time to nap which I needed after travelling for over 24 hours.  I walked around to familiarize myself with my surroundings.

The hotel was close to this long and beautiful riverside. It was nice cutting through it each day to get to the main square.
Here is a people parking on the sidewalk on busy streets It just makes sense and people do it well.

Also along the way was Wawel castle

The main square is a popular place where there is an aisle of shops with a cloth market. There are lots of restaurants, shops, churches, etc. The day we went, it was the student festival so all the college students dressed up like fun characters like Halloween. Krakow is full of students because of all the nearby universities.

Here is a view of the main square, this was from the second level patio coffee shop we were at.

The tower on the right is the bell tower. We walked up many sets up of stairs to get to the very top. Check out the view.

And the steps felt small and claustrophobic, I can’t imagine what a tall person felt like going up those narrow steps.


That’s it for now.